Created by Pranav Garg / @pg2286
In it's current state would not last beyond 2033.
Yes. One now have the flexibility to decide investment amount, when and where to invest.
Don't worry we will go over it in a minute.
A company who invests in buying stocks/equities or bonds of publicly traded companies on S&P or other indices.
As a consumer one just buy shares of these companies.
In simple terms its an I-Owe-yoU agreement between two parties. Is regarded less risky than equities.
25 times your annual salary or atleast 1 million.
Atleast 20% from your paycheck.
As early as possible, so one can harness power of compounding.
% of stock investments = 100 - Age
Stocks provide more growth however but they are also volatile.
$17500 (401k/403b) and $5500 (Roth/Traditional IRA)
(401k/403b) are offered by employers usually and sometimes they give free money away.
Always opt for Roth IRA as one doesn't pay taxes on future earnings.
Buying a combination of stocks, mutual funds and bonds.
“Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.”
“Do not put all eggs in one basket.”
“Never depend on a single income. Make investments to create a second source.”
Happy Investing BY Pranav Garg